Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique.

Nordic Walking enhances ordinary walking and makes something we can all do, twice as effective. 

Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique. Not just walking with poles like trekking or rambling, Nordic Walking poles are specific to the exercise and planted behind your bodyline, to propel you along and therefore automatically fully engage the upper body – as well as your feet and legs naturally. This makes it easier to work quite hard and importantly, control your own intensity. 

The benefits of this form of exercise are many fold: 

  • For weight watchers, Nordic Walking burns 20-40% more calories than ordinary walking. 
  • Nordic Walking works the whole body and is both enjoyable to learn and do. 
  • It is suitable for everyone’s individual capabilities and lessens the impact on joints. 
  • It is particularly good for spinal posture and the back, shoulders and upper neck. 
  • The very fact you are out in the fresh air is energizing and uplifting. 

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